Sunday, 3 November 2013

Radio, killed the video star.

                                                               Well its done.
  I have had my say and its now down to you to comment.

                                   Check out this link it will take you directly to the interview.

It must be something I said or how I said it because I am choked in the dust kicked up by my fleeing friends.

 Of the numerous people I know I have had but a handful of comments, Those that have replied have so far been complimentary but why the silence from so many others? I can only assume I was boring, that was nerves by the way, uninteresting, the interviewer threw me off track and once the thread was lost I was like a fish out of water. Or was it because I was too controversial, sorry I speak as I find, if that upsets people then so be it, yesterday I responded to a thread and my comments were taken down, why because I spoke the truth and the person involved obviously only wanted complimentary comments. As I said in my interview if we simply feed each others egos we become one dimensional, we need good and bad, ying and yang because one can only exist alongside the other. Likewise I post both good and bad reviews, you learn from the bad, unless they are so obviously biased then like so many others I do ignore them, I detest the reviewer who so obviously has read the first few chapters and not the whole book.

   There you are my daily rant is concluded, I could go on and on and on but there are words to be written projects to complete broad beans to sow. if you have listened then feel free to leave me a comment, raspberries will be posted so be warned, bad language will not and obscenities will be sent to the great reviewer in the sky via my incinerator or the delete button.

 Speak soon my cyber friends.


1 comment:

  1. Due to unforeseen circumstances, No i didn't whimp out wife was admitted into hospital, Lisa Chester my good and talented friend stepped in at the last minute for me. Did anyone listen/ Did we all feel for her and her nerves? Oh Lisa you get a A at least for your splendid work. Drop in and hear what she had to say the piece about Porn was superb.
