Saturday, 15 June 2013

Dead men Lie in Canada

hi all

As we speak the Canadian small press book fair has just opened Lisa is there with copies of the book. I was taken for a walk around via Skype and have to say it all looks very interesting. The time in Ottawa is noon or just after so customers are few on the ground at the moment but it will pick up sales will do well of that i am sure and i will keep you all posted as the day progresses.

Speak later at the next update. of course if any of you would like to join in you can always download a copy from Kindle or Kobo or order a signed copy from me at

Bye for now

 Blimey didn't think this would take off so well thanks everyone for dropping in. One hour now complete my next update is due in about thirty minutes so watch this space as the old programme used to say.

two and a half hours into this fair and I cannot believe how ell Dead Men Lie has gone down with the people of Ottawa. The only thing they do not want to do is speak to me via Skype oh well that is there loss but Dead Men Lie is selling well

And thank you to all of you who have dropped in on this blog this evening.


The figures are in perhaps we didn't sell as many hard copies as we might have wished but we made an impression. Web site hits are up substantially, as are the blog site hits all we need now are e-book sales to show a marked rise and it will have all been worth it. There is a picture of Lisa taking a well earned break I have posted it on my face book page I will try and move it here tomorrow . In the meantime thanks to everyone who followed this event and a great big thank you to Lisa and Peter and everyone who met them in Ottawa.
Cheers dave

Morning everyone

Here we are again and the reviews are beginning to come in from our Canadian adventure. Lisa says that we were the talk of the fair and that is good news indeed. We were also visited by a local celeb who gave everyone his take on what we could improve upon.

Our errors were slight mainly formatting issues which we will look at for the next book in the series Ride The marsh Road Why not deal with them in Dead Men Lie? Well as i explained to Lisa every time we alter and amend the book the printers charge me for it and that has to be recouped from the readers which continuously makes the book that much more expensive,

Besides our errors are minor and only those with printing knowledge would see them. Type set margin justification and book size the average reader isn't concerned with such things but i admit the corrections will make our next book look far better.

Now back to the writing i will try and add some more later


1 comment:

  1. Home safe and sound from the Ottawa Small Press Book Fair. What a great weekend, it was so wonderful to be back in Ottawa again, I love the city so. It was pretty cool to be able to use Skype on my phone to show you around the venue, and introduce you to the organizer, Rob McLennan, a very nice fellow. Our table generated so much interested from those that attended. We had a poster of the book cover on display that drew many over to talk to us. The excerpt of Dead Men Lie in booklet form was extremely popular, I have very few left, and very few business cards as well. Fingers and toes are crossed that all those folks follow up with us!
