Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Ride The Marsh Road

Morning all

 There you are your first taste of what will become the latest book in the Stormouth series of books. That's right from one story, an insignificant book entitled Dead Men Lie, a whole series of books have been spawned. Trouble is my editor is seeing my creative process and i think she is getting a little frustrated. At present I have 120,000 words in a series of note like forms, chapters that link together but with no story behind them as such. When she first saw Dead Men Lie it was written, the story was formatted it simply needed a lot of polishing. This book is like a  rough diamond, it needs to be shaped cut and only then can it be polished. One book can take me a year or more to write from start to publication, which is why my stories are evidently so well thought of. They are intricate, involved and with myriad twists and turns sometime even i am surprised as to who become the villains.  

  Therefore you must be patient, Ride the Marsh Road will explain much of what Dead Men Lie failed to completely to answer. Like why did Turnbottle and Wood despise each other so much. What happened to Joseph Wood's wife and What was in Bayles box?

This exciting prequel should be ready sometime in the Winter of 2014. Sorry i can't get it ready for Christmas, to rush it through would spoil the enjoyment of what is exciting even to me and i know the conclusion.

In my mind I have a further three books. Book three I envisage as tentatively entitled The ship. I know boring isn't it but that will change. I see this as the follow on to Dead Men Lie, it should explain what became of the 3rd regiment after that night in June. Also I would like to explore where Fitzwilliam's men ended up and what became of the Kentsman and her small flotilla.

Book four, well that is unnamed but someone will return and continue Stormouths torment. While book five perhaps titled The Ties That Bind will bring everything to a thrilling conclusion. Book five is actually already written it was meant to be a stand alone book but surprisingly it fits the bill nicely.

 So there you are four books to look forward to, not to mention my attempt at 'The Pathway' which has stalled while I attempt to absorb so much data sent by the gentleman involved. Each time I try to lay the first chapter out something else is revealed and I have to start again..I intend to spend the winter working on the first draft and then allow the subject to read it only then will we move forward so watch this space.

OK I have to get back to Stormouth, they are in the grip of a cholera outbreak, the doctors are at a loss as to how to end it and someone will die but who?

Speak soon Dave

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