Thursday, 30 May 2013

Writers update

hello everyone

 Yes i am still alive as yet i haven't fallen off my perch and gone to that great reading room in the sky.

Though i must admit to having a basic shift in thought about what we were all taught at school as to what we should accept as fact in religion. No i haven't found god or drifted to the dark side but as you will know i am ghosting (how apt for this story) a book for a gentleman whose life has been thrown in turmoil by an experience which left him questioning religion and politics. The Pathway is coming along nicely though i am struggling to catch up on so many years of experiences and place them into chronological order while making it readable to an audience.

 As a taster and no more this bloke was a vile and insidious person not my words his. Though as children we all went in fear of him and that was from the age of eight or nine. Yet now he is totally changed polite educated in fact better clued up on this subject than i am and i consider myself fairly intelligent. The reason he witnessed events that were so dramatic that he was scared into altering his perception of life and death. His home was exorcised three times. his family were traumatized so badly he had to seek the assistance of men who understood what he and his family were encountering. is he a nut a fruit loop a con artist? All valid questions  ones to which i cannot quantify. My perception of what he went through comes from a skeptics view point but what he says what they witnessed what he has been told make me believe they encountered something. What is was what they unleashed is for others better informed than i to answer. My task is to tell you his experiences and that is where i begin to feel inadequate. However it will be written i will see it published i just hope the same fate that occurred to the exorcist doesn't befall me, what happened? Sorry didn't i tell you she died. not long after cleansing his house. weird or just fate who knows i don;t do you?

  There you are that is what i have been up to and all the while attempting to finish my latest book which was going to be called The Ties That Bind but after so much vilification i have amended that to Ride The marsh Road. While i have a captive audience can i ask has any other author noticed how the most vocal the most virulent besmirches of our art are those that have never written a book. yet they have the audacity to tell us what is right or wrong. don't get me wrong i can take constructive criticism that helps but it annoys me so much when this occurs.

  Dead Men Lie continues to sell not brilliantly but it sells in many countries . Yet i have been told the front cover is wrong too depressing the subject is wrong no one wants Historical fiction fantasy and vampires are the thing to write about. really? well not for me I would rather see not a book sold than prostrate myself at an alter of which i have no concept and little interest. The same i fear is my feelings about giving away free copies.

  I can see why its done and perhaps there is a market for such actions but consider the long term approach. if you give away 1000 copies what have you achieved nothing just a thousand people have a book they were too tight to buy they will not appreciate the hours spent writing editing and promoting that went into its creation. and when the promotion ends they will go in search of the next freebie. Sure to those authors who do it it is great to see your book near the top of some best sellers list but when it drops like a stone never to be seen again what have you achieved certainly not longevity.

 Still that is my thoughts others will disagree but dead men Lie will never be free to anyone not even my family. When i was a plumber my customers paid for my services so they will now i write for a living.

 Enough of this rambling for today no doubt i will have upset someone somewhere that seems to be my forte recently but before i go i must tell you all that dead men Lie along with Lisa my editor will be at the Canadian small press book fair in Ottawa on June 15th if you are nearby drop in and see what we have been talking about for so long.

In the meantime i will try and keep this up to date along with everything else i am doing. The small acreage i have under veg this year is waterlogged so i doubt i will be there this week just hope we get something to eat when the rain stops.

Till the next time read Dead Men Lie visit or follow us here as Arnie once said I Will Be Back  

Dave P


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