Monday, 25 March 2013

How do you discover your stories?

As you will see I am taking as my subjects views already raised on the website

This one comes up every time I speak about my work and its actually the easiest (or so I find) to explain.
I find stories everywhere. take today for example I was talking to this bloke in well somewhere and he starts to explain how the was wounded while serving in the army. prior to that he had a home and family and now he has nothing lives alone on benefits which even they are being reduced. there is a story, twist it around put it into a different context and you have the beginning of something by the way i have that on copyright now so no stealing please.

Then of course if i do get stuck i simply look at my family there are plenty of stories mixed up in our history. I have 400 years of stories to pull from which perhaps explains why I love historical fiction there is so much scope.

As for Forgotten souls well that was born out of many stories and one day i will revisit it re-embelish it and breathe life back into dying embers.

So look around discover your stories and enjoy.

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