Sunday, 24 March 2013

What made you start writing?

A good question one almost all writers have been asked at some time or another.

 My own story began while working a  a plumber. yes some of you will have read the soundbite and choked but it did actually happen. I presented an estimate and the customer laughed then stated "You should write fiction this estimate could be a bestseller" or words to that affect.

But years later I did sit and pen the first draft of a book entitled Forgotten Souls. It has since been removed from sale but will return under a different guise and after it has been reformatted.

 Soon after starting to draft that book I discovered the skills I had once had were long gone and so to regain them I attended some writing courses. Good fun and met many gifted people from those lessons I wrote constantly and submitted many short stories plays and scripts for possible publication. I eventually had enough reject slips to paper my bedroom.

 I did though come 16th out of 1000 plus in a play writing competition and had many favourable reviews for my work. This made me determined to continue.

Dead Men Lie eventually came to life. How? Well it was simple really.  One day I was what I call speed writing simply writing anything regardles of spelling or grammar or content and Abigail's story was born from that. One phrase was the start and that was 'she was abused.'  with that and a title (I have to have a title before the story flows and Abigail's tale started life under the name Winds of Change read the book an you might still see why.)

 That first draft was 50,000 words the final print edition is 138,000 some difference but it is a thrilling tale even if i do say so myself. I write every day no matter what, some is total trash but i never discard anything because one day I might be able to use a phrase or a line of speech somewhere. I tend to write in the morning and most days aim for 1500-2000 words which means a book of 130,000 takes me about 14 weeks to write and a year to amend and polish ready for publication. I admire anyone who can do it quicker, but that is my writing time spam its comfortable for me and my editor. others may find what i do strange but each writer is different and we must all find our perfect means to work.

I wish you all the very best of luck.    


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